It's that time of year again. Time to buy presents. For a lot of people, potentially. But, if you're like a lot of us, you may find that you are a little short on cash, or maybe those store-bought gifts just aren't personal enough. What to do? Make gifts of course! I'll kick off this mini-series of posts with a gift that I gave to my boyfriend, Alex, last Holiday season. We are both
Michael Pollan fans, and on top of that Alex had been getting interested in cooking, so what better gift than a personalized recipe book! I tapped both of our Moms for favorite recipes, and then made a cover with a tribute to Mr. Pollan himself; "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants". The result is below.

The cover was drawn and hand-lettered in india ink and white acrylic on a recycled paper bag, and then
mod podged onto a 3-ring binder filled with recipes. The edging was done with cream-colored yarn (just dip it in elmer's glue and stick it on!).
Next up: Awesome and Easy Magnets!