Monday, October 27, 2008

Ree Treweek and The Tale of How

I stumbled upon this amazing artist while browsing through my new favorite site, Charley Parker has written much better articles than I can about this artist and her work, so check it out here if you are interested.

Most of all, I want everyone to see the video, The Tale of How, which was created in collaboration with Jannes Hendrik and Markus Smit, some seriously talented, seriously young people, who make me want to march to my drafting table and step up my game. Also on this site: other fabulous work, along with a making-of video and some great prints.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Things to See

Last night, Owen and I went to the Original Art show at the Society of Illustrators, NY, which is the annual best-of-children's-book-art show. Um, amazing! The variety of styles, and level of talent just can't be beat. Go see this show if you love children's books. Go see this show if you love narrative art. Go see this show if you love art. Go see this show if you need inspiration.

There were some familiar names, and some that I was very glad to be introduced to. Some artists that were new to me that I am excited to see more of: Nicoletta Ceccoli, Arthur Geisert, Kelly Murphy, Laura Stutzman, and Eric Velasquez. William Steig received a lifetime achievment award - I never get tired of that guy. It also reminded me that I still have a little drawing of his of an old lady strangling a lion that needs a visit to the art conservation doctor - someone pasted it onto a board with rubber cement (aka paper-eater)!

It is so special to see these works in person, and a really rare opportunity, given that they usually live in the artists' homes, or in private collections.

Also, something I want to see: Wunderkammer: A Century of Curiosities at MoMA. The website alone is pretty awesome, and might be better than the exhibit itself.

OK, so, go see art!